
  • Colasoft Capsa 7 1 Keygen Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 17:37

    April 25, 2018 - Colasoft Capsa Enterprise 11.1New Features:. Users can select which packets they want to replay according to their requirement. Packet storage filters are provided. Exporting the packets of HTTP conversation in TCP Conversation view is supported. Advanced filter can be imported and exportedImprovements:.

    The IP address library is updated. The log view is sorted by packet timestamps. Sorting conversations by time as default. The function of packet compulsive decoding is optimized. April 25, 2018 - Colasoft Capsa Enterprise 11.1New Features:. Users can select which packets they want to replay according to their requirement. Packet storage filters are provided.


    Exporting the packets of HTTP conversation in TCP Conversation view is supported. Advanced filter can be imported and exportedImprovements:.

    The IP address library is updated. The log view is sorted by packet timestamps. Sorting conversations by time as default.

    The function of packet compulsive decoding is optimized. September 6, 2016 - Colasoft Capsa Enterprise 9.1New Features:. Conversation filter is provided to define filter rules for MAC/IP/TCP/UDP conversation. Packets can be decoded as specified protocol. Packets can be filtered based on time rule. Enable batch address/port input for advanced capture filter.

    A Time Sequence tab is added for DNS-based conversation. The protocol PPP for POS can be recognized and decodedImprovements:. Name table file supports.csv format. An option is added to enable/disable the automatic loading of packet files replayed last time. June 21, 2016 - Colasoft Capsa Enterprise 9.0New Features:.

    Network traffic can be analyzed based on local processes. A Process view and a Process Explorer are providedImprovements:.

    Colasoft Capsa 7 1 Keygen Mac Download

    bps calculation is optimized. No 'Limited Group' for Node Explorer. View Display is optimized. Conversation data display is optimized.

    7:1 Ratio

    IP address geographical information library is updated for Colasoft Ping Tool. User interface display is optimized for Colasoft Ping Tool. MAC address manufacturer information is updated for Colasoft MAC ScannerBugs Fixed:. Chart cannot be saved sometimes for Colasoft Ping Tool. December 15, 2015 - Capsa Network Analyzer 8.1New Features:. Add online auto-update feature.

    Add conversation filter. Add signature recognization of DNS packets.Improvements:. Optimize the interface of TCP Flow Analysis. Optimize system architecture, upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit version. A maximum of 100,000 analysis objects are supported in 64-bit version. Packet buffer size can be set as the total idle RAM of the system. Analysis performance is improved greatly.

    Add field sorting capability in the Log view. Support recognizing 1040 protocols and sub-protocols, support decoding 142 protocols.Bugs Fixed:. Fix the problem of command line calling error. June 19, 2012-Capsa Network Analyzer 7.6 ReleasedNew Features:.

    You can now schedule task to automatically start a new analysis project at specified time. Configurations of the program can be exported and imported. March 15, 2011-Capsa Network Analyzer 7.4 ReleasedNew Features:.

    Complete support for wireless traffic capture and analysis from all 802.11 a/b/g/n networks. Decryption of WEP/WPA/WPA2 protected packets.Improvements:. Redesigned Start Page layout. Optimized network profile settings that a capture can be started without a network profile.

    New icons for network tools on the Ribbon. Prompt of wireless disconnection when clicking the start button to start a wireless analysis. A replay bug fixed that a certain type of packets cannot be loaded. June 17, 2010 - Capsa 7.2.1 Newly ReleasedNew Features & Improvements:. Support MSN, Yahoo Messenger monitoring. Support saving email content to hard disk.

    Support opening project file from Capsa 6.9. Display connection number of each node in the Matrix tab.Bug fixed:. The IP address range and mask condition of filter may not work. Cannot change 0 to another number in Analysis Profile Options.

    No separate check for Windows version of 32/64 bits before network adapter driver registry. Too much time to initiate a project. Wrong Delta Time in Packet tab. Mar 4, 2010 - Capsa 7.1.2 Newly ReleasedNew Features:. Add Duplicate function for Network Profiles and Analysis Profiles in Start Page.Improvements:.

    New Start Page makes it easy to use. Add Local Engine Setting build in System Menu. Editing function of Network Profile and Analysis Profile moved to context menu.

    Format and Report setting page moved from 'System Options' dialog to 'Local Engine Setting' dialog.Bug fixed:. Cannot add new network group in Network Profile when auto network config detection failed. Feb 1, 2010 - Colasoft Capsa 7.1New Features:.

    New interface style. New global dash board. New Diagnose view provides overview of related hosts list. Rapidly pinpoint problem hosts.

    Add Network Profile. It is a series of settings for different network environment, which including Network Group, Name Table, Alarm and Network Bandwidth setting.

    Add new analysis solutions. Include Global Analysis, Large Traffic Analysis and various frequently-used protocols analysis. Add online real-time alerts. Add new time sequence diagram for TCP conversation. Show both SYN and ACK response of TCP connection.

    Real-time analysis. Set adapters as source of data collection, which provide an intuitive display of traffic. Replay analysis. Set archive packet files as source of second time analysis. Support various replay speeds and provide retrospective analysis of historical issues. Support customized protocols for Ethernet II, IP, TCP, UDP.

    Support customized graphs. Support customized report and export as PDF. Enhanced packet filters. July 04, 2008 - Colasoft Capsa 6.8New Features:.

    New Option for 'Auto save packet file' in General Settings to specify the length of each packet to be saved. New GEO column in Endpoint View.

    New dock window for 'Online Resources'. New protocols decoder supported: Bittorrent, Emule, MSSQL, TNS.Improvements:. Updated the lib for National IP Address information. Improved the DNS analysis modules.Bug fixed:. When the program is not running, openning unsupported packet file by double click may cause incorrect value under count value in Summary View and Diagnosis view. November 5, 2007 - Colasoft Capsa 6.6New Features:.

    Support Windows Vista 64-bit Edition;. 15 new protocols supported: Tunnel, Echo, CMIP-Agent, CMIP-Man, SFTP, RAP, RLP, Radius, Radius-acct, Radius-dynauth, eMule, PPlive, SShell, Kerberos, Windows NLB.Improvements:. Port 4443 now recognized as AIM protocol.Bug fixed:.

    Packet distribution statistics dose not work when restart capturing after open an existing project file;. The 1 byte packet value filter dose not work correctly with byte masks. March 22, 2007 - Colasoft Capsa 6.4New Features:. Supports Windows Vista. Supports Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition (AMD x64 Processor architectures).Improvements:. New protocol decoders: Gopher, ICP, SCTP, VRRP. Add 'Custom Columns' toolbar button in the Endpoints, Protocols, Conversations, Packets and Logs view.Bug fixed:.

    Email analyzer: Incorrect email address extracted from certain MIME header. Demo version: Log buffer limitation should be 512KB rather than 512 bytes. January 28, 2005 - Colasoft Capsa 4.06. New: Resolve Host Name in Scope Explorer View, Node List View and IP List View. New: Change Host Name in Scope Explorer View, Node List View and IP List View. New: Product activation system. New: Separately store web/transaction log in different files by time.

    New: Support the conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC in TCP Stream View, Packet Decode View, Packet Hex View. New: Predefined web accesses filters.

    New: Optional peer nodes creating in Scope Explorer and Nodes List View. Other miscellaneous bugs fixed. November 2, 2004 - Colasoft Capsa 4.05. Improved Web access log, Content-Length is recordable now. New project options for long-term traffic analysis.

    Supports multi-subnet Intranet configuration, subnet address/mask customableBug fixed:. the value of certain columns always return zero when exporting packet data. Capsa didn't open project files via DDE. Capsa stopped to capture network packets if reset a network adapter connection.

    Miscellaneous improvements to online help. Other miscellaneous bugs fixed.

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