
  • Download Film Transformer 1 Full
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 21. 19:19

    5,302,303 downloads (on my server only). Easy to use: Drag & Drop. Generate High-resolution pictures (400 dpi), 'ready-to-print' with a Polaroid design. Funny: only 10 treatments per session, like the content of a cartridge; interactive (look at the demo below); random and realistic Polaroid-like colors variation. Have fun!!!;) your Poladroid picture. Please, donate or visits my partners (banners).

    1. Free Download Film Transformer 1 Full

    Thanx.:) Polaroid™ is owned. Be aware: Poladroid is not a trademark of Polaroid Corp. It's just a software which reproduces Polaroid Rendering. 1685 comments.

    1604 - Alain, February 6, 2010, 11:26 pm: Hello Dominik, i just did an article on my Disney and more site with old pictures of Walt Disney that i've put through your PolaDroid app. You can see the result here: I like so much PolaDroid that last year i did a previous article with pictures from the parks and you can see the result here: As my site have 4000 visits each day and with the link i did to your site it should bring many people, well i hope so! Thanks a lot for this great software! 1597 - Andre, February 2, 2010, 4:34 pm: Email worm Tored.c in Polaroid app Worm After a scan Spyware Terminator I get the same high alert warning on email-worm.Win 32.Tored.c High Risk in Crogram FilesPoladroidPoladroid.exe and a couple other related registry entries. I scanned a freshly downloaded version of your program and it didnt trigger the antivirus. So this might mean that either after install a virus got hold of the poladdroid exec files or the place I downloaded from a while back was infected. Knowingly or not.

    So I rmeoved it too. Will reinstall maybe later on a disposable machine setup.

    1420 - Chris, September 14, 2009, 9:06 am: Poladroid Great program!! I love how the polaroids come out looking retro. One thing I dislike is hi-res photos always get cropped in the program, so if the subject of the photo is not in the center it will almost always be cropped. I tried making photos smaller before using the program but that didn't work.

    Photos that are already at a low resolution don't get cropped or sometimes they do but not all that much. Or am I missing an option that prevents this from happening? Still love it though. 1404 -, August 30, 2009, 9:19 pm: It's INCREDIBLE! 8/25 computer crashed and I lost 7 years of digital photos.no I didn't burn to DVD.a hard lesson learned. I'm on a borrowed computer until I can have a new one built for me so I've been despairing about my loss for days. But what the Lord taketh away he giveth back in spades because some how, some way I stumbled onto this site today.

    I shed real tears when I realized that I will actually be able to produce the much loved polaroid format. A million thanks for making this a possibility. I will donate $$$ as soon as I am able because as far a I'm concerned this widget is PRICELESS!

    1330 -, July 25, 2009, 9:49 pm: Text option on poladroid Hi Jacob, just to share with you, in case you use photoshop, it is very easy to add handwriten text over your poladroid image. That way you can choose your prefered font style and size, you can actualy add some more asimetrical writing, using diferent font size or even make it look a bit unstraight so that way it will for certain look like you actually wrote over the blanck space. I've been doing it and loved the result! You can check some examples on my blog greetings. 1188 - Tim, May 21, 2009, 4:24 pm: Feature Requests First: I love it.

    I was thinking of buying a Polaroid camera but I guess now I'll buy a digicam and simply throw all shots into the Poladroid. Besides the vintage awesomeness it would be great to have some kind of 'advanced' mode: - Option to disable the developing time and get the result instantly - Infinite cartridge - Further tweaking of the stripes thing. I like the stripes but the fingerprints or somewhat disturbing sometimes. Cleaner programming. Why don't you check whether there are running processes instead of showing the annoying dialog on every quit? 1137 - Xeon, April 24, 2009, 1:00 pm: Re: Lark7 & AVBABY Both of you sound like sour grapes.

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    The reality is, the only chance instant films have a chance of surviving is increased interest on the part of the public, that said, I think it is an uphill battle as the world has shifted to digital so widely. IN REAL TIME a real polaroid will have significant value as a result of its physical properties, but in the digital world, it has (And always has had) less value then ANY picture who's source is digital if for no other reason then the fact it is a film being scanned, etc. I have 4 real polaroid cameras that I have not been able to buy picture cartridges for some time (1 of which is actually my first digital photo printer for my computer-gasp real polaroids from digital pictures how scandalous) and I have 1 camera that the cost of the film and availability makes it nearly impossible to use, I have 3 digi cameras however that I can enjoy taking pictures from any day of the week and I can run thru poladroid and get the same image I would have scanned. So instead of barking up negative on this tree, why not keep to the positive that this program could revitalize interest in the real film.

    1133 -, April 23, 2009, 3:51 pm: This Software Makes Me Sad Okay, I would agree that it's pretty cool to create Polaroid-like images easily without having to worry about the cost of the films. I will also admit that some effects are cool. And when you take it to the next level by making an iPhone version, i mean, kudos to that.

    But what makes me sad is the fact that when anyone who uses this software shows off their 'photos' to other people, some people (a lot of people, I think) will actually believe that they're really taken by Polaroid cameras. Or when someone sees an actual Polaroid photo, they might think that it's created by this software. Either way it decreases the value of real Polaroid images and hurts the pride of real Polaroid users.

    If you could perhaps add a watermark on the outcome, then maybe that can help our feelings a little. True, people may still remove the watermark from Photoshop or such, but that will be the extra work they'll have to go through. And they'll realize that they're fooling others as well as themselves (fooling others is worse though). As someone who's making a push for an instant photography community in my country, I hope you and everyone can see my concern.

    Note: To me, the processed images seem more Lomo than Polaroid though. 1127 -, April 16, 2009, 8:29 pm: Love It!! Wow.first off, I can't believe all the negative comments on here. It's supposed to be a fun little FREEEEEE program and people are acting like the creater is destroying a way of life.

    I suggest y'all relax and worry about the other, more important things in life while making some cool poladroids. Anyways.I love the program!! It's simple, easy to use, and just fun to flip my current photo stock. I even gave it a little praise on my site. Check out the post at Cheers, Caleb. 895 - Elizabeth, January 29, 2009, 11:45 pm: Fun Thanks - this is fun.

    I'm not sure why people are so worked up - emotions run deep around the 'real' Polaroid, I guess, but this is clearly not the real Polaroid. My parents were big Polaroid lovers, so I grew up with real Polaroids - which gives me some option ideas. I don't suppose you could make the computer have that Polaroid developing.smell.

    But you could make the photos DISAPPEAR after several years - or, if you're going back to the really old Polaroids, stick to anything that gets close to them on humid days. 890 - Whmi1963, January 27, 2009, 4:57 am: Naysayers I am 45 and have been taking photos since I was ten when I got my first camera. This product was never meant to replace the real polaroids and was never meant to replace 'real' photography, which is more subjective today than it ever was.

    What makes a good photo is in the eye of the beholder as they say. Whether you use film or digital is not the point, it is the end result. The person who takes a photo and places the end product out there for you to see is showing you the world from their perspective, how they see it or would like to see it, and they want to share that with you. If you don't like the product, just delete it and leave. Meanwhile, those of us who do like it will continue to use it and contribute. If there is ever a paid version I will buy it. If there is ever an iPhone version, I will buy it.

    This is a great and fun application and many people enjoy it. It has not killed the real polaroids nor film photography. 872 - Pmw, January 23, 2009, 8:34 am: DIGITAL DISASTER HAHA. So the format that ruined real Polaroids wants to beat the dead horse, and bleed every last bit out of it by still showing an interest. But of course only with a lower quality imitation of the original.

    How could you not see this coming? Right down to the cross-processed slide film look. Everything with digital is about convenience over quality. Laziness over skill. Fake over real. I'm so happy ILFORD is supporting this (and they're also fighting to keep darkrooms in schools, where people can learn real photography. As opposed to the effortless operation of a digital image capture device.

    862 - Saumil Shah, January 19, 2009, 10:41 pm: EXIF Features Hi Paul, many thanks for a BRILLIANT app! I'm here with a feature request. Can you copy over some of the existing EXIF tags from the source photos into the new Poladroid photos?

    The most important ones would be the time and date. I know other EXIF tags such as focal length, shutter speed, etc don't matter as much, since these are reprocessed, but if you do carry over some basic EXIF tags, photo management software such as iPhoto and Picasa can make good use of meta-data.

    848 - Paul Ladroid, January 18, 2009, 6:31 pm: @ Chris and tings: please look at your 'download folder'. The 'Download request not authorized' is only shown when the user clicks on download links two times (double click) or clicks from an outside link. The first time (click), the download process is running. It's why, you must wait few seconds (exactly, 10 seconds) before trying again. Another point: read correctly the message on the Download request not authorized' window.

    This is: Wait 10 secondes. Please, try again in 10 seconds before launching another downloading from the download area. The downloading can begin with a little bit of latency. That page will be refreshed after 10 seconds and you'll be redirected automatically into the DOWNLOAD AREA. 754 - Taina, January 5, 2009, 5:10 pm: Wonderful! ^^ Thank you so much for realeasing this for free to us. ♥ I just downloaded the Windows version and i'm loving it.;D I have a couple of suggestions though, i don't know if you'll read this, but anyways.

    Maybe you should give us an option to use the stripes/dust/scratches effect, with or without those finger prints on it, cause sometimes they appear on a place that kinda ruins the picture. Like when they appear right on top of someones face, it looks weird.

    And the other suggestion i have is that sometime in the future you could maybe release a Photoshop Action only for the image effect without the frame, so we could use it on rectangular pictures, instead of just squared ones. That's all, i hope you consider this on future versions of this amazing program. And i wish you great success on this wonderful project of yours, i'm sure it'll be even greater that it already is. 637 -, December 18, 2008, 12:58 pm: Answer! I ain't jealous of nothing.We (cause there's more than just me) just don't agree! It goes against our belifs.

    If you say that u do have an SX-70, u should be with us trying not to stop the production of the cartridges! But nooooo.you're sitting in front of your computer doing fake Polaroids. NICE.you're so smart and 'BABA OVO' of Paul Ladroid. 'You just sound so gay' I thought we were not insulting anymore. As your good virtual friend said.

    And calling someone 'gay' is discrimination.hope you're not going to jail for that! And by the way.I'M NOT ALONE! I have my True friends, tha also uses True Polaroidas.awesome isn't it? Love you all fakers. 625 - Me, December 15, 2008, 4:06 pm: Be nice are you like really bored and on this website all day cause it seems like you left all the comments and your complaining for no reason so give up. Because you could just leave if you hate this so much. Go play with your real polaroid, if i had film then i would play with the real thing but i ran out and most people cant find the film anywhere eaither, this is a really nice thing that he has made and i am 'patiently' waiting for windows: ) get a life mean person.

    618 - Hei, December 14, 2008, 12:20 am: TO True Polaroid User: I just think you are so jealous of this program. You are jealous of how everyone supported him.

    Now everyone can enjoy or get an experience about how playing with Polaroid feels like. Are you being self-abased that is just because now everyone can have the fun as you do? Mr or whatever Ms True Polaroid User. Come on.I am a true Polaroid user as well.

    I got a SX-70 and I know how much fun it is, but I also enjoy seeing this thing happens. Everyone just wants to have some fun.

    Maybe it is because now everyone can play 'Polaroid' in the internet and you are just holding your pail of papers? I believe everyone who got eyes can tell what is the differences. So if you dun like this, why dun you leave this site and play with your own Polariod and hear the sound of a true polaroid camera ALONE while we are all having fun with this TOGETHER. You just sound so gay and disgust everyone. 616 -, December 13, 2008, 4:48 pm: The real smell Have you ever tryed the REAL POLAROID EXPERIENCE? It's like that: You go and pick a Polarois Camera for you.

    Than you buy some cartridge. After that you go (by yourself or with friends) to every place you think it's interesting. Find a nice spot. SHOOT, hear the sound of a true polaroid camera, see the picture coming out of the camera and wait!

    That's all.but it was great! And the best thing is.you have some real polaroid to keep.and you were not in front of the computer listening to digital sounds of a polaroid camera! Love.Hope this can be usefull for some of you. 596 - Joel, December 9, 2008, 6:57 am: Real mature; we should all be supporting this project and supporting eachother. Once the windows version is released it'll open up a much much larger audience and the man will get more well deserved donations! Im disgusted on how half of these mac enthusiasts are acting, in the end they are all computers and you know what? The way macs are heading they use PC parts now anyway, a lot of the guys at work that use mac are dual booting into windows.

    Both operating systems have pros and cons so lets stop arguing about it and support and donate this awesome project! 584 -, December 6, 2008, 12:36 am: Nice = I've recently tried the Poladroid app on a mac and i found the tool unique and useful as i can't seem to by any film anymore so my Polaroid is just sitting there collecting dust, However this is a great application to use ^^ i will use it but if i ever get my hands on the original stuff i will use that =D as film i love more than digital. I can't wait to use it on windows.thumbs up. It would be cool if there was some sort of app on the PSP which used the psp Camera etc.

    547 - Warren, November 27, 2008, 10:27 pm: Thanks Heard about this via Such a cool idea and beautifully, simply implemented. I know in this day and age everyone wants MORE control, MORE features, MORE, MORE, MORE.

    I think the randomness and lack of features adds to the charm of the app. ISight integration would be nice and a way to choose your crop - perhaps you could pan around the original JPEG through a realistic viewfinder? To all those who are impatient and have posted such rude and negative comments - get a life. Think about the fact that Paul has invested many hours of his own personal time and effort to give this to all of us ABSOLUTELY FREE. If you don't want to say thanks or make a positive suggestion, rather just keep your opinions to yourself.

    @Paul - keep up the great work - the fact that you can still answer some of these ridiculous posts in good spirit and humour tells me you must be a really cool person. So, cool software made by a cool person.

    Be happy people.

    Running time 154 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $217–260 million Box office $605.4 million Transformers: The Last Knight is a 2017 American based on the created. It is the fifth installment of the, the second film in the sequel trilogy and the sequel to 2014's. Like its predecessors, the film is directed by, featuring returning from Age of Extinction, with, and all reprising their roles from the, with and both joining the cast. Bay has stated that he will not return for another sequel, though he will stand as producer.

    The film premiered at in on June 18, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on June 21, 2017, by in 2D, 3D, and. Like its predecessors, the film received negative reviews from critics and, with an approval rating of 15% on, it is the worst-reviewed film of the Transformers series. It underperformed at the domestic and international box office, grossing $605 million worldwide, making it the lowest of the franchise.

    Audiences alike had mixed reviews praising the action sequences and ’s performance while criticizing the plot, the hours of the movie spent, the amount of Autobots used in screentime and having as a side character. A spin-off/prequel, entitled, is scheduled for release on December 21, 2018 and an untitled sixth film, a direct sequel to The Last Knight, is set to release on June 28, 2019. Bay will produce both films.

    Contents. Plot In 484 AD, and his knights struggle in a devastating against the Saxons. Meanwhile, begs for help from the Knights of Iacon, a group of twelve Transformers who have hidden on Earth. They give Merlin an alien staff and combine themselves into a huge robotic named Dragonstorm to help Arthur triumph over the Saxons, but not before warning Merlin that a great evil will one day come for the staff.

    In the present, five years after, all Transformers are declared outlaws by all governments on Earth, and the Transformer Reaction Force (TRF) is formed from the fallen Cemetery Wind faction to kill them, despite more Transformers continuously arriving on Earth. All the while, enormous metallic horns begin to rise from different parts of the world. In a part of war-torn Chicago, a group of children find a ship with a knight inside before being caught by a TRF drone. Izabella, a survivor of, saves the children along with her Transformers companions Sqweeks and Canopy.

    The drone mistakes Canopy for a Decepticon and kills him before and Cade Yeager, who is also being hunted by the TRF, arrive and rescue the others. Cade finds the knight in the ship, who attaches a metallic talisman to his arm. The Decepticon observes this act and reports the discovery to. After a brief standoff with the TRF, Cade and Bumblebee return to their junkyard in South Dakota where the remaining Autobots are taking refuge from the TRF; Izabella and Sqweeks stow away with them.

    TRF member and former Autobot ally William Lennox brokers a deal between the TRF and Megatron so he can find Cade and recover the talisman. In exchange, Megatron demands the release of a squad of Decepticons;, Mohawk, and Dreadbot. Meanwhile, in deep space, crash-lands on Cybertron, discovering that it is heading directly for Earth. He encounters Quintessa, the self-proclaimed creator of the Transformers, who brainwashes Optimus and renames him 'Nemesis Prime'. Quintessa tasks him with recovering the staff from the Knights, who had stolen it from her after betraying her.

    She then reveals that Earth is actually Cybertron's ancient enemy, and she intends to drain its life force using the staff so that Cybertron can be restored. Back on Earth, Megatron and the TRF locate Cade, his coworker Jimmy, Izabella, Sqweeks, and the Autobots thanks to a tracker that had been planted on Bumblebee during the standoff.

    This forces them to flee to a nearby abandoned town. In the ensuing battle, Dreadbot, Onslaught, Mohawk, and several TRF soldiers are killed, forcing Megatron, Nitro Zeus, and Barricade to retreat. While fighting off a unit of TRF drones, Cade is approached by Cogman, a Transformer envoy who takes him and Bumblebee to England to meet his master, Sir Edmund Burton.

    There, Burton arranges a meeting between Cade and Viviane Wembly, an Oxford professor, who had been kidnapped by the Autobot (who gains an alternate form along the way) under Burton's orders. Burton introduces himself as the last living member of the 'Witwiccan' order, an ancient brotherhood dedicated to guarding the secret history of Transformers on Earth. He reveals that Cade's talisman indicates he is the Last Knight of Iacon and that Viviane is Merlin's last descendant, as well as revealing that Viviane must find and use his staff to prevent the impending destruction of Earth by Cybertron. And the TRF arrive at Burton's mansion, forcing the group to flee. After escaping from MI6, the TRF, and Barricade, Cade, Viviane, Bumblebee, and Cogman follow clues left by Viviane's late father and take the museum submarine (after Burton shuts the attraction down and reveals that the submarine itself is actually a Transformer) into the sea to find the Cybertronian Knights' sunken ship; the TRF pursue them with submarines of their own. Burton meets with the Prime Minister to dispatch the military to, which he deduces is Unicron's access point.

    In the ship, Cade and Viviane discover the tomb of Merlin and the staff. Viviane activates the staff, which causes the ship to rise towards the surface. The TRF confronts the group and attempts to take the staff from them, before Optimus intervenes and forces them to hand over the staff.

    Bumblebee chases after Optimus and the two Autobots fight each other at the top of the ship. Before Optimus can kill Bumblebee, the mute Autobot finally speaks, freeing Optimus from Quintessa's control. Suddenly, Megatron, revealed to be conspiring with Quintessa, arrives to steal the staff and flees while the Knights arrive and attack Optimus for his presumed betrayal. Cade stops the Knights with the talisman, which transforms into King Arthur's sword.

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    The Knights yield to Cade, and he urges Optimus to fight for Earth once more. As Cybertron anchors itself to Earth, Megatron, Nitro Zeus, and Barricade deliver the staff to Quintessa, who begins draining the life force of Earth from Unicron. Burton and the British military intervene, and Megatron shoots Burton, who dies with Cogman by his side.

    The Autobots arrive to join the TRF, Cade, Viviane, Izabella, and Sqweeks. They land on Cybertron and battle the Decepticons and Quintessa's minions, the Infernocons. After Optimus kills the Infernocons, the Autobots reach the chamber where the staff and Quintessa are. Optimus defeats Megatron by kicking him through the chamber's wall, sending him flying to Earth, while Bumblebee kills Nitro Zeus. Together, Optimus and Bumblebee seemingly kill Quintessa. Viviane removes the staff, stopping Cybertron's destruction of Earth but leaving both worlds connected.

    Optimus declares that humans and Transformers must now work together to rebuild their worlds and sends a message calling any surviving Autobots to come home. In a mid-credits scene, scientists inspect one of Unicron's horns in a desert. Quintessa, who survived and is now disguised as a human, arrives and offers them a way to destroy Unicron. Main article: Humans. as Cade Yeager, a single father and inventor, who helped the during the events of Age of Extinction.

    as William Lennox, a former NEST commander and captain, who partnered with the Autobots prior to the events of Age of Extinction, and now a U.S. Army Colonel and reluctant member of the Transformer Reaction Force (TRF). as, King Arthur's and Viviane's ancestor. Tucci was originally reported to be reprising his role as Joshua Joyce from Age of Extinction. as Sir Edmund Burton, 12th Earl of Folgan, an and who knows about the history of the Transformers on Earth. as Viviane Wembly, a of English Literature at the and a player, who turns out to be a descendant of Merlin.

    Minti Gorne portrays a younger Viviane. as Izabella, a street-wise who was orphaned with Sqweeks and Canopy, her only friends, until meeting Cade. as Jimmy, a young man from South Dakota whom Cade hired through a want ad. as Santos, a former Delta Force operative and commander of the TRF, who seeks to eradicate every Transformer and their human allies regardless of faction. as Seymour Simmons, a former government agent with Sector Seven and NEST turned successful writer who hides out in Cuba, and was allied with the Autobots prior to the events of Age of Extinction. as General Morshower, the director of NEST in Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon who now supervises TRF operations.

    as, the legendary knight who first fought with the Knights of Iacon. Additionally, and appear as a TRF group leader, a engineer, and Chief Sherman, respectively. Has a vocal cameo as Tessa Yeager, Cade's daughter, who helped the during the events of Age of Extinction, while is seen as in a photograph spotted in Burton's mansion who allied with the Autobots in prior events of Age of Extinction. Was cast to return as Robert Epps, but was unable to appear in the film due to scheduling conflicts with. Transformers Autobots. voices, the leader of the, who transforms into a blue and red 2014 while searching for the truth about his Creators. voices, an Autobot scout and Optimus Prime's second-in-command, who transforms into a custom-built yellow and black 2016.

    voices Cogman, a polite, human-sized he serves as the faithful to Sir Edmund Burton, and while despite not even having a larger robot mode, he transforms into an in the toyline. voices, an Autobot who transforms into a, before upgrading into a 2017. He is brother-in-arms with Bumblebee and speaks in a thick accent. voices, a -motif Autobot tactician and former who transforms into a black and red 2017. voices, a trigger-happy Autobot and who transforms into an olive green military tactical. voices, a cocky Autobot and who transforms into a green and black 2016, equipped with a custom split-spoiler. His ego lends him a misplaced belief in his future command of the Autobots.

    voices Sqweeks, a small Autobot and Izabella's closest friend who can't transform and only says 'Chihuahua' due to prior damage. voices, a former Decepticon turned Autobot who survived the Chicago battle in Dark of the Moon, and transforms into a blue monster truck toy. voices Daytrader, a Cybertronian scavenger who transforms into a cloaked rusty. He is held in disregard by the Autobots for being annoying despite his skill in finding good material. voices, an Autobot Wrecker who resides in Cuba with Simmons that once transformed into a #48 Lowe's/Kobalt car. In the film he is credited as 'Volleybot' and grew a metallic beard that resembles his fallen comrade,.

    voices 'Bulldog', an Autobot veteran of and, and a sentry for Burton's, who transforms into an army and suffers from ' '. An uncredited actor voices Canopy, an Autobot and a friend of Izabella who camouflages into a shielding pile of rubble. Additionally, an elderly Autobot that transforms into a fighter plane cameos at Burton's castle, whose voice actor is also uncredited.

    A Transformer who turns into the appears, though not seen in robot mode. Trench, an Autobot who resembles the Constructicon Scrapper and transforms into an excavator, makes a cameo at Cade's junkyard. Dinobots., the leader of the Dinobots, who transforms into a mechanical horned, fire-breathing., the savage Dinobot destroyer who transforms into a mechanical spiked and bestial. Mini-Dinobots, the Mini versions of Grimlock, Slug, and Strafe.

    Decepticons. voices, the reborn leader of the, who possessed a in Age of Extinction and transforms into a Cybertronian jet. John DiMaggio voices Nitro Zeus, a Decepticon hunter who transforms into an. voices, a Decepticon scout who survived the Chicago War in Dark of the Moon.

    He transforms into a 2016, featuring a new robot mode. Reno Wilson voices Mohawk, a Decepticon foot soldier who transforms into a. Dreadbot, a Decepticon thug who transforms into a rusty. Uncredited actors both voice, a Decepticon tactician who transforms into a green 4900SF, and Berserker, a monstrous Decepticon commando who transforms into a emergency vehicle, each speaking only a single line.

    's severed head is shown being boasted by Daytrader, and later held by Megatron. In Sir Edmund Burton's castle, a picture of is seen; both Shockwave and are briefly mentioned by Viviane. Others.

    as Quintessa, a Cybertronian Sorceress, the 'Prime of Life' and the creator of Cybertronians who wants to destroy and rebuild. Various uncredited actors voice the Knights of Iacon, a group of twelve Cybertronian Knights who protects the Staff and merge to form the three-headed dragon, Dragonstorm. They include Dragonicus, Stormreign, Steelbane, and Skullitron. Infernocons, Quintessa's demon-like guardians who combine to form Infernocus., a giant planet-destroying Transformer who is mentioned at various points throughout the film; six of his mechanical horns are seen on.

    Production Development. Announced that the film will be his last of the Transformers series before joining to plan a film based on Japanese manga. In March 2015, reported that Paramount Pictures was in talks with Oscar winner ( ) to pitch new ideas for the Transformers franchise's future installments. The studio intends to do what and have been doing in planning three sequels, and what Disney has done to revive, with sequels and spin-offs. Paramount wants to have their own cinematic universe for Transformers, similar to 's/'s (which had been one of Paramount's previous film series), and /'. Goldsman is the head of the future projects, and worked with franchise director, executive producer, and producer to organize a 'writers' room' that incubates ideas for potential Transformers sequels, prequels and spin-offs. The writers' room members include:, Lindsey Beer, Andrew Barrer, and Gabriel Ferrari ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), and Geneva Robertson-Dworet.

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    Kirkman left the room after just one day to undergo throat surgery. In July 2015, Akiva Goldsman and were announced as the fifth Transformers film's screenwriters. However, on November 20, due to Goldsman's commitments creating a writers' room for and properties, Paramount began to negotiate with ( ), as well as Ken Nolan ( ), to write the film. Lindsey Beer and Geneva Robertson-Dworet were also brought aboard for writing duties. 'I think I brought the concern to the movie studio and certainly to the writers.

    Transformers 5 and 6 movies will go back more to its roots. There was an occasion where one line in Transformers: Age of Extinction which Optimus Prime had, I did not want to say.

    It was my gut instinct and certainly my commitment to the character. Not to say the line. But I was told to say. You can't fight the big boys. I think you all know what that line was.'

    — on a question from a fan on the future of the franchise from After, Bay had decided not to direct any future Transformers films. But in early January 2016, in an interview with, he stated that he would return to direct the fifth film, and that it will be his last Transformers film. Spent $80 million on production in Michigan, in return for $21 million in, under agreements entered into before the state legislature eliminated the film office incentive program in July 2015. In April 2016, Paramount hired cinematographer Jonathan Sela. On May 17, Bay revealed the official title of the film to be The Last Knight on his account, where he also posted a production video showing a close-up of Optimus Prime's face with purple eyes instead of blue, and his face mostly discolored. The official Twitter account showed a 19-second short video in morse code that translates to 'I'm coming for you May 31'.

    On May 31, it was revealed that Megatron would return in the sequel. Casting In December 2014, Mark Wahlberg confirmed that he would return in the sequel.

    In February 2016, there were for new lead and supporting roles in and, and Peter Cullen was announced as returning to voice Optimus Prime. Approximately 850 cast and crew were hired, 450 of whom were Michigan residents, equating to 228 full-time positions. Additionally, 700 extras were hired from among Detroit residents, as part of Paramount's incentive deal with the state.

    On April 13, reported that was in talks to star as Izabella. The site also reported that Bay was eyeing, and for supporting roles. On May 17, 2016, it was confirmed that would reprise his role in the film, and Jerrod Carmichael was cast. In June 2016, and joined the cast, and stated that he will return as Robert Epps. In August 2016, was confirmed to play, a different version from his role as the same character on the television series. On September 4, 2016, confirmed his return.

    On October 14, 2016, Bay announced that would reprise his role as Seymour Simmons from the first three films, and that would return to voice Hound. A month before the film's release, Bay revealed that the character Cogman would be voiced by actor, at the request of co-writer Matt Holloway, who is a fan of the series. On June 9, 2017, confirmed via Twitter that he would have a voice role in the film. On June 16, 2017, Gibson revealed that despite closing a deal for the film, he was unable to appear as Epps due to scheduling conflicts with.

    In, one of the many locations used in the film began on May 25, 2016, in, with a few scenes shot by a 'small team'. Filming continued on June 6, 2016, in, and on June 19, 2016, in, under the E75, with additional filming taking place in,. In Detroit, filming took place in the, Cafe D'Mongo's Speakeasy, and. Production moved to on August 21, and filming commenced on August 22 in and. In, filming took place in, and. Between August and October, filming occurred in, and, and in. In early September 2016, filming took place in in in England, including car chase scenes.

    Production continued at St Aidan's Church, Seahouses, where Walhberg spent an hour inside the church and reportedly donated £200. Rev Father Des McGiven said: 'I didn't even know he was in church until he left. One of my parishioners, Danielle Love, recognised him and explained who he was. It's great that we had him in for the service, and we appreciate his generosity towards our church.' Car chases were also filmed at the monument area of Newcastle upon Tyne, where Josh Duhamel was filming, while Wahlberg and Sir Anthony Hopkins continued at Alnwick, Seahouses and the Bamburgh Region of Northumberland. In late September 2016, filming was spotted in, at the Royal Navy Submarine Museum.

    On October 5, 2016 filming was spotted at, London. London filming wrapped on October 27, 2016.

    Principal photography wrapped on December 4, 2016. Effects As with previous Transformers installments, served as the main visual effects company for Transformers: The Last Knight. In early 2016, the company showed Bay an underwater rendering of a crash-landed alien spaceship and a new dump-truck Transformer with a cloak. Main article: On September 27, it was confirmed that would return to write the score, having composed the music for the first four films.

    The score was released digitally on the film's original release date, Friday June 23, 2017, and a limited-edition two-disc CD set of 3,000 units will be released by La-La Land Records on July 11, 2017. Unlike the previous films' scores, which contained anywhere from fourteen to twenty-three tracks, the film's soundtrack contains thirty-four tracks, amounting to over two hours of music. On the score, Jablonsky said, 'I met with Michael before he started shooting 'Transformers: The Last Knight.' He showed me some amazing concept art and explained how the story connects the history of Transformers all the way back to the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I loved the idea because it gave me the opportunity to explore new musical ideas.

    The storyline allowed me to write melodies that are a bit more 'classical' than I've written for the other Transformers films, which was a lot of fun for me. Another important aspect of the story revolves around massive skyscraper-sized 'horns from hell' that start emerging from the Earth.

    They look like gigantic animal horns, but no one knows what they are or why they have appeared. I wanted to create an unsettling sense of mystery and tension with the music.' The film also featured the song. Release Transformers: The Last Knight was released on June 21, 2017, after being moved up from its original June 23 release date.

    The teaser trailer of the film was released on December 5, 2016, and was later attached to. Marketing The first teaser trailer aired on Monday, December 5, during 's, and was released online shortly thereafter. With 24 hours of its release, the trailer garnered a record-breaking 93.6 million views from social media platforms, such as, and, making it the third-highest-viewed trailer of 2016, falling behind Disney's (127.6 million views) and Universal's (114 million views in 24 hours), but surpassing Marvel Studios' trailer, which scored 81 million views in its first 24 hours online. Following the trailer's release, the film trended on all major social media sites, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. It was 's No.

    1 trending topic in China, where the preview was viewed 16 million times its first day of release. Television spots for the film started airing ahead of the Super Bowl spot on February 3, 2017. An extended TV spot for the Super Bowl aired during, on February 5, 2017.

    On March 11, 2017, a new TV spot and clip were shown at 's. A new trailer aired with the release of Beauty and the Beast on March 17, 2017, while the third trailer was released on April 13, 2017.

    The international trailer was released on May 17th, 2017, and a smaller trailer was released shortly after, on June 4, 2017. After that, various TV spots were released. Home media Transformers: The Last Knight was released on Digital HD on September 12, 2017, and on Blu-ray, Blu-ray 4K, Blu-ray 3D and DVD on September 26, 2017 in the United States. It was also released in a collection with the four previous films. Reception Box office Transformers: The Last Knight grossed $130.2 million in the United States and Canada and $475.3 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $605.4 million, against a production budget of $217 million.

    It is the lowest grossing film of the Transformers film series. In North America, The Last Knight was originally projected to gross $70–75 million from 4,069 theaters over its first five days, which would have been the lowest debut of the franchise. However, after the film grossed a franchise-low $15.7 million on its first day (including $5.5 million from Tuesday night previews), opening estimates were lowered to $60–65 million. On Thursday, it grossed $8.1 million, potentially dropping the five-day debut to under $60 million. It ended up having an opening weekend of $44.6 million, the lowest debut of the franchise by $25 million (and lowest since the first film's $70.5 million).

    The film's five-day gross of $68.4 million was also lower than every three-day opening of the previous four films. The film grossed $16.9 million in its second weekend, dropping 62.2% and finishing third at the box office, and $6.4 million in its third, dropping an identical 62.2% and finishing 5th. The film closed from theatres on August 24, 2017 with only $130 million domestic, failing to recoup it's $217 million budget, thus making it the lowest grossing domestic film of the Transformers film series. Internationally, The Last Knight opened in its first 42 foreign territories alongside its United States debut, including major markets China, the UK, Russia, Australia, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Hong Kong, and was projected to have an opening of $167–200 million. Due to its predecessor's success in China, expectations were high for the film in the country.

    Box office observers and trackers believed the film would open to $80–100 million, and end its run there with anywhere between $290 to $400 million. The film ended up having a global debut of $265.3 million ($196.2 million from overseas), including $123.4 million from China, representing 63% of the film's foreign opening. In the film's second week in China, it fell 76% and had a running cume of $147.6 million. As of August 6, 2017, the film's largest markets outside North America are: China ($228.84 million), South Korea ($19.24 million), Russia ($15.89 million), Germany ($15.42 million), Mexico ($15.33 million), U.K.

    ($12.19 million), Brazil ($13.70 million), Indonesia ($11.71 million), Japan ($15.69 million) and France ($10.99 million). In India, the film was given an adult certificate and, hence, it was not successful at the Indian box office (4.87 million) as compared to Age of Extinction (10.23 million) and other Transformers movies (3.01 million TF1, 2.80 million ROTF, 6.88 million DOTM). Critical response On, the film has an approval rating of 15% based on 201 reviews, with an average rating of 3.3/10. The site's critical consensus reads, 'Cacophonous, thinly plotted, and boasting state-of-the-art special effects, The Last Knight is pretty much what you'd expect from the fifth installment of the Transformers franchise.' On, the film has a score of 28 out of 100 based on 46 critics, indicating 'generally unfavorable reviews'. Audiences polled by gave the film an average grade of 'B+' on an A+ to F scale.

    Mike Ryan of gave the film a negative review, criticizing its running time and incoherent plot, writing: 'I have no proof Transformers: The Last Knight will kill your brain cells, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it does and I’d proceed with caution just in case. But I can say with absolute certainty that after watching, your head will hurt.' Of was also critical of the film's sloppiness, saying, '.fear not, fans of the franchise: if you’re here for the director’s trademark chaos editing (where fights go from points A to D to Q), toxic masculinity (and female objectification), comedy scenes rendered tragic (and vice versa), and general full-volume confusion, you’ll get all those things in abundance.' Of gave a rare zero-star review to the film (as he did to the previous films), saying 'Every time Michael Bay directs another Transformers abomination (this is the fifth), the movies die a little.

    This one makes the summer's other blockbuster misfires look like masterpieces.' Gave the film a lukewarm review stating, 'The fifth time may not quite be the charm, but the latest entry in Michael Bay's crunched-metal robot-war mega-series is badder, and therefore better.' Acknowledged the film's flaws but noted there was almost something impressive about them, saying: 'The absolute tastelessness of Bay’s images, their stultifying service to platitudes and to merchandise, doesn’t at all diminish their wildly imaginative power.' Gave the movie 2.5 stars out of 5 stars. Controversy.

    Download Film Transformer 1 Full

    Where Britain's former wartime Prime Minister Sir was born, was draped in huge. On September 21, 2016, shooting for a particular scene took place in, in, the home of Sir, the British Prime Minister during.

    The mansion was dressed as a headquarters for for filming. This evoked both anger and criticism for being 'symbolically disrespectful to Churchill', according to Colonel, who said Churchill 'will be turning in his grave', while Tony Hayes of the UK Veterans Association stated that surviving World War II ex-servicemen and women would be 'appalled'.

    Churchill's grandson and British Parliament member Sir Nicholas Soames dismissed the controversy entirely, stating, 'They’ve no idea what my grandfather would have thought!' Churchill was buried less than a mile away,. Sequel and spin-off A spin-off/prequel, entitled which stars and is set for release on December 21, 2018. The movie's working title is 'Brighton Falls' and will wrap up shooting in November 2017, while a direct sequel to The Last Knight, the yet-to-be-titled Transformers 6 is scheduled to be released on June 28, 2019. References.

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